Wide-bandgap semiconductors are semiconductor materials which allows devices to operate at much high temperatures, voltages, and frequencies considering that of traditional semiconductor materials such as gallium arsenide and silicon.Wide-bandgap semiconductors are the main component used to make blue & green LEDs and lasers. This type of semiconductors is also used in certain radio frequency applications such as notably military radars. Further, the wide bandgap semiconductors are also categorized under next-generation semiconductors, and the featured properties make it suitable for the various range of roles
To extend the battery life and to improve the power efficiency in electronic and electrical gadgets such as portable media players, desktop computers, flat panel displays, notebooks, smartphones wide bandgap semiconductors are used. So increasing demand of above-mentioned goods is spurring the demand for wide bandgap semiconductors market during the forecast period.
To produce the ultraviolet LEDs with wavelengths ranging from 200–250 nm and to make blue LEDs and lasers wide bandgap semiconductors are used. So increasing demand of LED lights is influencing the growth of the wide bandgap semiconductors market. On the other hand, the high cost of manufacturing of wide bandgap semiconductor is the major challenge restraining the growth of the wide bandgap semiconductors market over the forthcoming years.
Wide bandgap semiconductors market is segmented into product, application, and region. By product, the wide bandgap semiconductors market can be segmented into diamond and silicon carbide (SiC), Aluminum nitride (AlN), Gallium nitride (GaN) and Boron nitride (BN).; By application, the wide bandgap semiconductors market can be segmented into Defense and Aerospace, Information and Communication Technology, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, and others.; Regionally wide bandgap semiconductors can be segmented into Asia-Pacific excluding Japan, the Middle East and Africa, Western Europe, North America, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Japan.
North America dominated the wide bandgap semiconductors market was owing to increase in applied demand of wide bandgap semiconductors in automobile sectors. Therefore the demand for wide bandgap semiconductors in the respective region is expected to spur over the forecast period. Asia Pacific countries such as India and China are expected to witness the fastest growth due to increasing demand of efficient semiconductors in various sectors such as automotive, computer, consumer goods and others. Further lucrative business opportunities in India such as “Make In India” is encouraging investors to invest in the country owing to avail benefits of supportive government regulation and easy availability of cheap labors are the other factors influencing the growth of the Wide Bandgap Semiconductors market in the India.
The major player operating in the wide bandgap semiconductors market are Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Mersen S.A., Everlight Electronics Co, Avogy, Inc., Toshiba Corporation, Fujitsu Limited, Renesas Electronics Corporation, GaN Systems Inc., NXP Semiconductors N.V., and Cree Inc.
The other prominent vendors associated with the wide bandgap semiconductors market are Fairchild Semiconductor, GeneSiC Semiconductor, Inc., Infineon Technologies AG, Infineon Technologies AG, MicroGaN Gmbh, United Silicon Carbide Inc., Microsemi Corporation, Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. Mitsubishi Electric, Nitronix Nanotechnology Corporation, Powerex, ROHM Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Sanken Electric Co., Ltd, Semikron, Semisouth Laboratories, Inc., and Shindengen Electric.