Wibu-Systems showcases new CodeMeter features at SPS 2021

CodeMeter: The All-Rounder for Smart Industry Automation

Karlsruhe, Germany – Wibu-Systems, the pioneering enterprise behind the CodeMeter technology for IT protection, licensing, and security, is looking forward to the return of SPS – the Smart Production Solutions expo in Nuremberg, 23 to 25 November 2021. The popular industry show will be live in both in-person and online formats and will again be the place to be for everybody in the industry automation and smart manufacturing community.

The future of industry has begun to take shape with much of the underlying infrastructure already well-established and with many novel business models being tested live in a sector that many critics had tried to write off as too slow or too conservative. Instead, recent advances in connected and embedded technology have seen the vision of smart factories essentially realized, as the monolithic machines of yesteryear have given way to more versatile, software-driven equipment, highly integrated industrial networks, and a whole scale shift away from churning out massive quantities of standardized wares to the nimble and agile production of often highly customized products, including the bespoke designs made possible by industrial additive manufacturing.

This shift in the industrial landscape has made data a crucial asset for manufacturers and their clients. Wibu-Systems was one of the first companies to recognize this fundamental truth and was quick to bring its data protection and licensing expertise from the software field to the world of smarter, automated, and servitized industry. The company’s CodeMeter family includes many products designed especially for use in smart manufacturing, from protection and licensing for PLCs and embedded devices to clever technologies and services for the virtual and cloud systems that are becoming a mainstay of modern digital manufacturing.

Wibu-Systems will be an active presence both on site and on the show’s special online companion piece, SPS on Air. A team of representatives will be in Nuremberg to explain CodeMeter’s versatile design for different use cases in face-to-face meetings, including the ability to license and sell separate apps and features on embedded devices. This important capability is a win-win solution for device makers and their users, as both sides benefit from the lower upfront costs and more sustainable relationships made possible by mixing, matching, and upgrading machine functionalities as needed. It is also just one of the many business models made possible by CodeMeter, on par with the smart subscription licenses favored by the developers and users of costly engineering software or the flexible feature, time, or quantity-driven business models used in cloud services.

True to Wibu-Systems’ commitment to universality and interoperability, CodeMeter is an all-rounder for industrial users. They can discover more about Wibu-Systems’ products and solutions by visiting SPS on Air or booking meetings with the Wibu-Systems’ crew on site to learn about its new and expanded features for many of the premier virtualization and cloud systems used in today’s industry, with optimized support for Docker containers, improved license binding for Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud users, and Wibu-Systems’ own cloud services and cloud licenses. With industry-grade CmDongle hardware containers, CmActLicense software license containers, and the all-new CmCloudContainers, CodeMeter is the right choice for any industrial client.

Ruediger Kuegler, VP Sales and Security Expert at Wibu-Systems, is looking forward to seeing the community in action in Nuremberg and online: “SPS has long been one of our regular haunts and has become a symbol for Wibu-Systems’ commitment to the industrial automation scene. Even without a dedicated booth at this year’s show, we are excited about this great bouquet of new products and features we are bringing to the scene and can’t wait to show them in-person and online.”