TL084 OP-Amp : Pin Configuration & Its Applications

TL084 OP-Amp

Pin Configuration

Pin Configuration : TL084 OP-Amp
  1. output pin of 1st OP-AM
  2. inverting input voltage to 1st OP-AMP
  3. non-inverting input voltage to 1st OP-AMP<M/li>
  4. (Vcc+) connect the positive supply voltage
  5. non-inverting input voltage to 2nd OP-AMP
  6. an inverting input voltage to 2nd OP-AMP
  7. output of 2nd OP-AMP
  8. output of 3rd OP-AMP
  9. an inverting input voltage to 3rd OP-AMP
  10. non-inverting input voltage to 3rd OP-AMP
  11. (Vcc-) connecting negative supply voltage
  12. non-inverting input voltage to 4th OP-AMP
  13. an inverting input voltage to 4th OP-AMP
  14. output of 4th OP-AMP

Applications of TL084 OP-Amp