Super barrier diodes are also known as rectifier diodes. They are next-generation Schottky diode. This diode is designed for high power, low loss, and fast switching applications. They have low forward voltage drop like Schottky diode it utilizes MOSFET like structure to deal with this loss. SBR (Super Barrier Diodes) have low reverse leakage current than Schottky diode and it also reduces the high-temperature reverse leakage. The SBR (Super Barrier Diodes) diode removes the complexity of the gate voltage circuit by making a short contact between the gate and the source of the channel diode. This allows for further flexibility and scalability of the die to meet new market demands.
- It has higher efficiency and higher temperature operation.
- SBR has a more stable reverse leakage current.
- It allows the applications to run more proficiently at higher ambient temperatures.
- These diodes make more power savings and have higher reliability.
- SBR has high performance in smaller packages.
Computing and peripherals
- 80+ PC power supplies
- Printers
- AC/DC power supplies
- Gateway/routers
- Modems
Consumer electronics
- LCD TV power supplies
- Cell phone/MP3 players
- DVD players
- Welding
- DC-DC conversion
- Telecom power supplies