Murata plans to achieve RE100 15 years ahead of schedule and sets new carbon neutrality targets

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “Murata”) has decided to move its target date for achieving 100% renewable energy sourcing forward by 15 years (FY2035) and targets achieving carbon neutrality by FY2040 for the greenhouse gas (hereinafter “GHG”) emissions within Murata, and carbon neutrality by FY2050 across the entire supply chain, given the urgent societal need to combat climate change. Murata thus accelerates its climate change countermeasures and continues to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Murata has always conducted business activities as a manufacturing company committed to “contributing to the advancement of society” and “applying scientific approach,” as set out in our philosophy, while at the same time promoting environmental initiatives plus setting and achieving ambitious targets regarding climate change countermeasures.

In response to the climate crisis acceleration in recent years, and changes in the international situation related to climate change, we will move forward with our plan to source renewable energy from the current schedule and set new targets for decarbonization, thereby contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

By accelerating our efforts, we will contribute to reducing the environmental impact of our products both on our customers and society, ultimately working towards a sustainable future.

  1. Moving the achievement timing of RE100 forward from FY2050 to FY2035

Firstly, we will set a target of achieving 100% renewable energy sourcing for the electricity used in our business activities, or RE100, by FY2035, 15 years earlier than the initial target of FY2050.

We have already stepped up our efforts via initiatives such as installing solar power facilities on our premises and procuring stable renewable energy through physical and virtual PPA contracts. As a result, in FY2023, the renewable energy sourcing rate for the entire Murata Group reached 36.5%, surpassing the target of 25% in FY2024 set in our Mid-term Direction 2024. Going forward, we will further accelerate our renewable energy procurement efforts as well as consider new procurement methods, aiming to achieve RE100 by FY2035.

  1. Setting new targets for carbon neutrality

In parallel to the above-mentioned acceleration of efforts to achieve RE100, we will also work on the reduction of GHG emissions from fuel and gas consumption, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality of scope 1+2 GHG emissions by FY2040, and carbon neutrality across the entire supply chain, including scope 3, by FY2050. *1


Scope Ongoing targets New targets
Scope 1+2

(Emissions that result from activities and resources used directly by a company, such as product manufacturing at factories and the power used at business sites, etc.)

FY2030: Reduce by 46% (vs. FY2019) as the SBT 1.5°C target Carbon neutral in FY2040
Scope 3

(Indirect emissions that come from activities other than scope 1+2, such as procurement of raw materials, transportation of products, and disposal of waste)

FY2030: Reduce by 27.5% (vs. FY2019) as SBT WB2°C target *2


Carbon neutral in FY2050

Murata was certified by SBTi*3 in 2021 and has been working to reduce scope 1+2 GHG emissions by 46% (1.5°C target), and scope 3 emissions by 27.5% (WB 2°C target), by FY2030.

In terms of reducing scope 1 emissions, we plan and implement approximately 500 new energy-saving measures every year and have curbed the increase in energy consumption that accompanies business expansion with the equivalent effect of reducing CO2 emissions by 40,000 to 50,000 tons. We will continue to promote further energy conservation, review the types of fuel we use, and limit the emission of GHGs into the atmosphere during the production process. For GHGs that we are unable to avoid its emission, we will utilize credit offsets to achieve our goal.

Regarding scope 3, we explained our vision to more than 200 suppliers in FY2023 and asked for their understanding and cooperation. We have also visited and interviewed some suppliers and started work on refining data. Besides this, we have implemented modal shifts and improved loading efficiency at Murata and have been working to reduce the emissions associated with logistics too.

We will continue to accelerate our efforts and refine data in cooperation with suppliers and various other stakeholders.

As part of our efforts to solve global social issues, the Murata Manufacturing Group sees the “reinforcement of climate change countermeasures” as an important issue and we are forging ahead with our efforts to realize a decarbonized society. As we set up these new goals for FY2050, we aim to create a virtuous cycle of social and economic value through further reduction of the environmental burden.

*1 After reducing emissions by 90% compared to the baseline year through our own efforts, we plan to utilize internationally recognized credits for remaining emissions

*2 The level required by the Paris Agreement (which aims to keep the rise in global temperatures well below 2°C—WB 2°C—above pre-industrial levels, and limit the increase to 1.5°C)

*3 Short for Science Based Targets initiative, which is the name of both the target and the certifying body

Reference Links

・       Murata participation in Global Environmental Initiative RE100- Aiming for 100% renewable energy use by 2050 – |  Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

・       Murata Acquires SBT Certification for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

・       Murata to Invest in Apple’s Restore Fund, aimed at high quality carbon removal | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

・       Reinforcement of climate change countermeasures | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

・       TCFD measures | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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