- Opening and closing doors have always been a tedious task, especially in places where a person is constantly needed to do so, such as hotels, shopping malls, and theatres. The movement detected automatic door opening and shutting system is a solution for opening and closing the door.
- This project detects any bodily movement near the door. A passive infrared sensor is used to do this. In general, the human body generates infrared energy, which the PIR sensor detects from a certain distance.
- The sensor’s detected signal is supplied to a controller, which then operates a door motor through a motor driver IC. When a body enters the PIR sensor’s operating range, it sends a signal to the microcontroller to open and close the door.

Automatic Door Opening System Circuit
- Below is a circuit diagram of an automatic door opening and closing system. An Arduino UNO, 162 LCD, PIR sensor, connecting wires, breadboard, 1 k resistor, power supply, motor driver, and DVD are used to construct the circuit.

- An automatic door opening system’s circuit connection is depicted above. The PIR sensor is comprised of three terminals: Vcc, Dout, and GND. Where the Dout pin is directly connected to Arduino UNO pin 14 (A0). The status is displayed on an LCD panel. LCD pins RS and EN are connected to Arduino pins 12 and 13. Data pins D0 through D7 are wired to Arduino digital pins 8,9,10,11, while RW is wired straight to the GND terminal.
- The motor driver L293D is linked to Arduino pins 0 and 1 to open and close the door. In the preceding circuit, a motor is employed to operate a door.
Automatic Door Opening System and It’s Working
- The PIR sensor is utilized in this automatic door opening system project to open and close the door automatically.
- This project’s hardware and software requirements primarily include an 8051 series microcontroller, a transformer, a PIR sensor, a motor with a sliding door, a motor driver IC, diodes, resistors, capacitors, a crystal, and a transistor, as well as a Keil compiler and the languages embedded C or assembly.

- A PIR sensor is used in this suggested system to detect human body movement near the door. In general, the human body emits infrared energy in the form of heat, which the PIR sensor detects from a certain distance. The detecting signal is then supplied to an 8051 microprocessor, which controls a door motor through a motor driver IC.
- When a living body enters the PIR sensor’s operational range, it sends a signal to open the door. The door closes with a specific time delay regularly. If there is no more movement inside a PIR sensor’s operating range. To avoid the motor’s locked rotor state, interrupt indicators are used through limit switches.
- Furthermore, the proposed system can be enhanced by interfacing a counting setup to count persons entering and exiting a certain location. This can be performed by connecting an EEPROM to store the data after the power is turned off.