Logic Circuit | Digital Integrated Circuit |
In logic circuits there are two different values of physical quantity, usually voltage is to represent the boolean values true (1) and false (0). | In digital integrated circuits handle discrete signals such as binary values (0 and 1). These circuits use digital logic gates, multiplexers, flip flops etc. |
When a transistor is on or open, then an electric current can flow through. And when it’s off, then no current flows. When you string a bunch of these transistors together, then you will get a logic gate, which lets you add, subtract, multiply, and divide binary numbers in any way imaginable. | In Digital integrated circuits consist of a combination of transistors, microprocessors, and diodes. They all play their different roles, such as storing voltage, controlling the flow of current, and providing memory to the entire system. |
Two basic types of logic circuits: combinational circuits and state circuits. Combinational circuit behaves like a simple function. The output of a combinational circuit depends only on the current values of its input.
In digital integrated circuits, the ICs are categorized in five groups. Namely, Small Scale Integration (SSI), medium scale integration(MSI), Large scale integration (LSI), Very large scale integration (VLSI), Ultra large scale integration (ULSI). |
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In the computer of the logic circuit find the bulk of their application as the embedded systems or the brains of an enormous variety of products. In this system, they are generally used as a controller of a larger system. | The application of digital integrated circuits is used on an almost daily basis. These include mobile phones, washing machines, computers, DVD players amongst other things. |
Examples are Half adder, full adder, multiplexer, demultiplexer | Examples are MOS,CMOS,TTL, etc |