Different Thermocouple Types & Ranges with Comparison

Working Principle of Thermocouple

Thermocouple Junctions:

Grounded Junction:

Ungrounded Junction:

Exposed Junction:

Working of Thermocouple

Types of Thermocouple

Positive wire — Cu
Negative wire — Constantan
It can be used up to 350oC. It is very stable and inexpensive. Generally, it is
used for very low-temperature applications.

Positive wire — Chrome
Negative wire — Constantan
It can be used up to 850oC. It is a most sensitive thermocouple. It generates a
high output voltage.

Positive wire — Iron
Negative wire — Constantan
It can be used up to 1000 C. It is a very common type of thermocouple. Its
stability is high.

Positive wire — Chrome
Negative wire — Alumel
It can be used up to 1200oC. It is a widely used type of thermocouple. It is a
cheaper type as compared to other types.

Positive wire — Platinum 10% Rhodium
Negative wire — Platinum
It can be used up to 1400oC. It has very high precision thus used for very high
accuracy requirements.