A Backward diode is a semiconductor device that works in the reverse-biased mode it is designed by providing variation in the design characteristic of the zener diode and the tunnel diode is an electrical device because its designing mechanism always operates in one direction only.
A Backward diode is a variation to Zener diode and tunnel diode. It has similar operations to that of Zener diode and tunnel diode, but having much lower operating voltages as compare to them. It is also known as a back diode. It is not used widely but it can be used to rectify small voltage signals (0.1 to 0.6v). Because of its fast switching speed, it can be used as a switch in the RF mixer and multiplier.
Characteristics of backward diode
The reverse characteristics of the backward diode are similar to the characteristics of the Zener diode because it is a variation to the Zener diode and tunnel diode. The forward characteristics of the backward diode can be understood with the help of the diagram shown below. Initially, current increases with an increase in voltage, but after a particular period, the magnitude of current becomes constant. Even if the variation in voltage is large it does not show a significant required increase.
Advantages of Backward Diode
- It has is less temperature sensitive than the temperature sensitivity of conventional diode.
- The sensitivity of backward diode is -0.1 mV/0C for both semiconductor materials i.e. germanium and silicon.
- The sensitivity of the conventional diode is -2mV/0C. Thus, the backward diode is less affected by variation in temperature due to low-temperature sensitivity.
- Thus, its low breakpoint is effective for various applications because the device can withstand a high magnitude of voltage without the breakdown of device.
- The noise level of backward diode diodes is low.
- The efficiency of the diode is also better than a conventional diode.
Application of Backward Diode
- It can be used as a detector. It can detect frequencies up to 40 GHz.
- It is used in switching circuitry.
- It is used as a rectifier.