74LS08 AND Gate IC : Pin Configuration & Its Applications

Connection Diagram of 74LS08 AND IC

The 2-Input Logic And Gate


Pin Configurations


A1 Pin 1 will be used as the first input pin for the first AND gate in IC 74LS08.
B2 Pin 2 will be used for the second input pin for the first AND gate in IC 74LS08.
Y1 The output of the first AND gate will be received at Pin 3
A2 Pin 4 will be used for the first input pin of the second AND gate in IC 74LS08.
B2 Pin 5 will be used to give the second input to the second AND gate in IC 74LS08.
Y2 Pin 6 will be used to receive the output of the second AND gate from IC.
GND Pin 7 is a ground pin; it will be used as common ground by other communication devices with IC and Power Supply.
Y3 Pin 8 will be used to receive the output of the third AND gate from the IC.
A3 Pin 9 will be used to give the first input to the third AND gate to the IC.
B3 Pin 10 will be used to give the second input to the third AND gate to the IC.
Y4 Pin 11 will be used to receive the output of the fourth AND gate from the IC.
A4 Pin 12 will be used as the first input pin of the fourth AND gate.
B4 Pin 13 will be used as the second input pin of the fourth AND gate.
VCC The Power Supply will be provided at pin 14 to make the IC functional.

Application of 74LS08 AND Gate IC